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Hyper-connected Extraordinary-intelligent RObotic avatar (HERO)

  • 프로젝트명(국문) : HERO-능동적 디지털 돌봄 서비스를 위한 생활환경지능 핵심원천기술 개발

  • 프로젝트명(영문) : Hyper-connected Extraordinary-intelligent RObotic avatar (HERO) HERO Part I: AI-based multi-modal data analysis for proactive service in digital in-home care

  • Topics: Ambient intelligence, User state recognition, Environment perception, Lifelog, Proactive service

  • 참여 연구원 : 임화섭, 김익재, 고희동, 안상철, 김성규, 김진욱, 김수현, 황재인, 유병현, 조정현, 김영민, 강동훈, 최희승, 문경률, 강민구, 김학섭, 남기표, 박해솔

  • 연구기간 : 2018.1.1~2020.12.31

  • Contact : 임화섭 ( , 02-958-5753)



The proportion of the South Korean population over 65 reached 14.3% in 2018, indicating the nation has entered into an aging society. The proportion of elderly population is still rising rapidly each year, and the number of single senior households is also increasing as a result of divorce or widowhood. Accordingly, a social technical system needs to be estalibshed that can support the elderly population living alone or apart from their children. For the independent life of the single senior households, it is necessary to maintain a safe and convenient living environment and help them continue social relationships.

This project aims to develop key fundamental technologies for an intelligent robot avatar that can provide human-friendly companion services. In order for robots to provide proactive services to an elderly person, it needs to learn the user based on the user status, analysis of the surrounding environment, and accumulated data from everyday life patterns. Unlike existing technologies working in a static and constrained environment, the proposed robot technology must be capable of physical interactions with people and the environment in a dynamic living space. We define such robot intelligence as the Ambient Intelligence (AmI), and conduct research to integrate and advance fundamental technologies including 3D modeling, computer vision, visualization, augmented reality (AR), virtual reality(VR) , and human-computer interatction (HCI).



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