프로젝트명(국문) : 척추 신경 성형술을 위한 경막외 내시경 카테터 로봇 (Dr. 허준) 개발
프로젝트명(영문) : Development of endoscopic catheter robot for epidural neuroplasty (Dr. Hujoon)
Topics : Epidural Neuroplasty, Endoscopic catheter, Robot catheter
참여 연구원 : 김천우 선임 연구원 외 11명
연구기간 : 2013.11.01 – 2018.10.31
Contact : 김천우 선임연구원 (cwkim@kist.re.kr)
Dr. Hujoon is a teleoperated robot manipulating endoscopic catheter for epidural neuroplasty. Epidural neuroplasty is a minimally invasive procedure for treating herniated disk. During the procedure, small catheter is delivered inside epidural space, a gap between the spine and the spinal cord, under the guidance of fluoroscopy image and the endoscope image from the camera at the tip of the catheter. Once the tip of catheter reaches the herniated disk, medication is delivered, or the disk is ablated by laser.
Robotic endoscopic catheter of Dr. Hujoon is equipped with a chip-on-the-tip camera with improved depth of field and the teleoperation decreases the radiation exposure of the surgeon.