프로젝트명(국문) : CAS-Surgery 4.0 : 표적 물질 기반 형광 유도 및 정밀 수술 로봇 원천기술 개발
프로젝트명(영문) : CAS-Surgery 4.0 : Target-selective fluorescence image guided micro surgical robots
참여 연구원 : 이득희 책임 연구원 외 11명
연구기간 : 2018.01.01 – 2020.12.31
Contact : 이득희 책임연구원 ( dkylee@kist.re.kr )
Surgery 4.0 is an information-guided digital surgery, in which all the information about patient is collected, processed and presented to surgeon to decrease the time and cost, and improve the outcome. In this project, two essential technologies of the surgery 4.0, the advanced imaging and the advanced instrumentation, are developed.
For advanced imaging technology, novel tumor specific contrast agent utilizing selective accumulation of probiotics in tumor tissues is developed and visualized using an endoscope equipped with chip-on-the tip fluorescence camera.
For advanced instrumentation technology, new wrist mechanism for micro-laparoscopic surgical tools (diameter < 5 mm) and new variable stiffness mechanism for continuum robots (endoscopes, catheters and needles) are developed.